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Sandeep Chatterjee

Sandeep Chatterjee

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Experantis, USA

Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee is the CEO of a group of diversified, multi-national enterprises that focus on areas critical for the 21st Century, including: innovation and intellectual property rights; intellectual property and commercial litigation; mobile and Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies; and, education focused on innovation and the future of jobs. He earned a BSc in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and a MSc and PhD in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His PhD dissertation at MIT was selected as one of the most important inventions in computing, and the invention is preserved and showcased in a time capsule at the Boston Museum of Science. Other recipients of this honor include Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft) and Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web). He developed one of the first mobile banking solutions, and his technology was identified as a Bloomberg Innovation, and featured on Bloomberg TV’s “Bloomberg Innovators” program. He was a member of the JSR 172 Expert Group that defined the worldwide standard for J2ME mobile Web services. He also has extensive experience with providing expert testimony for intellectual property and commercial litigation, including for high stakes patent litigation, copyright and trade secret misappropriation, contract disputes and licensing cases. He is regularly retained by the largest law firms and the largest companies in the world for multi-billion dollar litigation. He has co-authored books on technology and mobile systems innovation that is used by universities around the world. The Government of India, through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), has identified him as an international expert on mobile and digital forensics technologies. The Government of Andra Pradesh has appointed him as the Dean for the Center of Mobile Excellence at the government’s International Institute for Digital Technologies (IIDT).

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